Retail Sustainability

Sustainability in retail is an issue area that can encompass many areas, from environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions and plastic waste to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) more broadly, which includes areas such as responsible sourcing and diversity and inclusion. The RCC’s resources in this area focus on environmental sustainability issues primarily related to retail facilities and operations, such as air, water, waste and energy. For more on RILA’s work on broader sustainability and social responsibility issues, visit the RILA website.

Sustainability Resources

Sustainability Management Tools

Sustainability Resource Library

Resource library providing specific tools, case studies, and opportunities to help progress the maturity of retail sustainability programs.

Retail Sustainability Leadership Model

Tool for retail sustainability executives to identify the management practices that will drive improved corporate and environmental performance.

Sustainability Management Resources

The Business Case for CSR

RILA has developed a toolbox of resources to help retail finance teams understand the opportunities presented by sustainability.

Chemicals and Toxics in Retail and its Supply Chain

Considerations and resources for retailers regarding chemicals and toxics.

The Value of Sustainability in Retail Merchandising

Identifies the role and value sustainability can play in retail merchandising.

What Materiality and Risk Identification Offer for Retail

Resources and considerations for retailers conducting materiality assessments.

Sustainability Committee

Retail sustainability/CSR executives meet twice per year, plus monthly via conference call, to share leading practices and network.

Sustainability Recognition Opportunities

Matrix summarizing recognition opportunities in areas available through third parties to showcase retail sustainability leadership.

Detailed Regulatory Resources

Consumer Bag Legislation Summary Matrix

Summary of consumer bag legislation by state and local jurisdictions, including bans, fees, and specifications for different kinds of allowable bags.

Consumer Bag FAQ

The rapid increase in consumer bag legislation has led to varying requirements and specifications across the country

Mandatory Recycling and Disposal Bans Fact Sheet

Overview of state-level recycling regulations and commonly recycled materials such as paper, plastic, metal and glass.

Product Stewardship & EPR Matrix

Summary of state product bans, EPR and product stewardship legislation for packaging and products such as carpet, batteries, electronics, paint and more.

Retail GHG Emissions Factors, Data & Methodology

Summary of sources for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions factors, data, and methodology relevant to retailers who are developing a company GHG inventory.

Retail GHG Targets Tracker

Detailed tracker of retail companies with emissions reduction, energy efficiency, and/or renewable energy goals.

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