ESG 101 - Understanding the Landscape Webinar Recording

Investors are increasingly using Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria to evaluate company performance. At the same time, companies are finding it challenging to understand what investors want and how to shape their ESG programs accordingly. Prioritizing and responding to the growing number of ESG ratings and surveys is also difficult. Why is ESG growing rapidly, how are investors engaging with companies and integrating ESG into their investment decisions, and what are the implications for retail?


  • Michelle Edkins - Global Head of Investment Stewardship, BlackRock
  • Anne Sheehan - Chair of the SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee, a Board member at L Brands and senior adviser to PJT Camberview. Former Director of Corporate Governance for the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS)
  • Paul Herman - CEO, HIP Investor


  • Heather Keough - Senior ESG Consultant, Leaders Arena
  • Chris Plath - Senior ESG Analyst, Leaders Arena


  • Fundamentals and key growth drivers of ESG
  • Investor ESG integration approaches
  • Why ESG is relevant for retailers
  • How the landscape of ESG ratings and surveys impacts your company
  • How different retailers address ESG


ESG 101 - Understanding the Landscape Webinar Recording Video Thumbnail
Webinar featuring Leaders Arena, BlackRock, former CalSTRS Director, and HIP Investor on the basics of ESG investor criteria and trends.

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