February 2022 Zero Waste Network Benchmarking Call

Call Agenda:

  1. Antitrust statement
  2. Program Overview
  3. Program Updates
  4. Mainstreaming Leading Practices: Setting and Tracking Waste/ Packaging Targets
    • Retail Trends in Setting Waste/Packaging Targets
      • For which of your company’s waste or packaging focus areas (regardless of if you have a public goal) has your company made the most progress? (E.g., diversion, packaging sustainability (recyclability, recycled content, etc.)
      • Why do you think you’ve made the most progress in these areas as opposed to others?
      • What processes or resources have helped facilitate this progress?
    • Tracking Progress
      • What barriers currently exist for your company in tracking progress against focus areas/targets?
      • What of these barriers are unique to landlord-controlled waste services?

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