Policymakers in Washington are focused on building resilient supply chains that are less reliant on China, while encouraging production of critical goods in the U.S. Options are being investigated and discussed by nearly every committee on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have introduced nearly 200 China-related bills in 2023.

RILA continues to educate policymakers on the importance of having a robust, high ambition trade agenda to promote U.S. values, support U.S. economic competitiveness, and bolster U.S. national security goals. Any trade and economic agenda aimed at countering China should also include traditional free trade agreements with allies that include market access provisions.

This webpage is designed to help retailers stay informed of the latest legislative and policy actions, as well as related activity by RILA to promote U.S. competitiveness through smart economic and trade policy.

Featured News - Trade Policy

USTR Should Abandon Unsuccessful & Harmful Tariff Policy

USTR Should Abandon Unsuccessful & Harmful Tariff Policy

RILA filed comments with USTR, sharing the retail industry’s perspective on the impact of section 301 tariffs.

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U.S. Trade Policy Should Foster Fair, Strong Competition

U.S. Trade Policy Should Foster Fair, Strong Competition

Policies that are fair and give retailers the ability to compete on the global stage, customers, communities, and workers here in the U.S. all benefit.

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Retailers Urge Court to Vacate Tariffs in Ongoing Litigation

Retailers Urge Court to Vacate Tariffs in Ongoing Litigation

Retailers, led by the RLC and RILA, will continue to press our position until the tariffs are removed.

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Congressional Action

Congressional Hearings

Congressional Hearing Recaps (Member Only)

House Ways & Means Recap: President’s 2023 Trade Agenda

House Ways & Means Hearing on the Biden Administration’s 2023 Trade Policy Agenda with United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Katherine Tai.

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President’s 2023 Trade Policy Agenda Senate Hearing Recap

Senate Committee on Finance, full committee hearing recap on the President’s 2023 Trade Policy Agenda.

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House Select Committee on the CCP Hearing Recap

House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and Chinese Communist Party Hearing on "The Chinese Communist Party's Ongoing Uyghur Genocide".

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  • Total # of China bills introduced (As of July 22, 2024): 502– 287 House and 215 Senate
  • Total bills passed to date: 56 – 46 House and 10 Senate

MCI China Legislative Tracker 2024


  Total # China bills introduced % all bills Increase vs last week # Bills passed
To Date
Markups this week Hearings this week















Administration Statements & Policies

Discover what RILA is doing – letters, press releases, blogs, etc.

Discover how RILA and our partners are educating & advocating for a bold trade agenda

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RILA is an executive member and leader of the Americans for Free Trade Coalition, a broad swath of industries, that focus on the impact of tariffs to American households and U.S. businesses across the country.

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