RILA's RCC Brings AI To Environmental Compliance
- By [ Tiffin Shewmake ]
- 10/15/2018
Retailers talk a lot about the ways in which technology is enabling the future of our industry. With the help of things like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data, retailers' approach in areas like product marketing, customer service, delivery, and everything in between is changing every day. But what often gets overlooked, is not just how these technologies impact consumer-facing operations, but how they can transform internal operations for retailers as well. As RILA and the Retail Compliance Center worked on developing environmental compliance resources for retail, it became clear that this was an area that could stand to benefit from advanced technology.
While retail has not historically been the focus of environmental regulations and enforcement, the complexity and number of environmental regulations that apply in retail at the federal, state, and even local level, as well as recent settlements in areas such as hazardous waste and refrigeration management, illustrate the need for better compliance programs in retail.
That's why we developed the RILA Retail Advisor—a secure and intuitive web-based application that helps retailers design and implement more effective programs. The RILA Retail Advisor empowers corporate compliance managers to assess their programs in real time across areas like leadership and planning, compliance operations, support systems, and continual improvement. Users can also use the Advisor to conduct self-assessments and gap analysis, benchmark internally and with industry peers, set goals, track progress, and implement continuous improvement.

The RILA Retail Advisor helps answer some of the most difficult questions that retailers face in building out their compliance efforts, such as:
- Where are our greatest risks?
- Are we over-complying and therefore wasting money?
- Is there a big issue we are unaware of?
- Are we missing opportunities to extract value from our compliance program?
For more information about the Retail Compliance Center and these new programs, please contact Tiffin Shewmake.