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- Retail Metaverse Continuum
The Metaverse, and its opportunities, are vast.
Accenture has a distinct perspective that the metaverse is a continuum: a spectrum of digitally enhanced worlds, realities, and business models. This continuum is set to revolutionize how we collaborate, work, and connect in virtual spaces, augmented physical spaces, and a blend of both. And it will create new lines of business and transform interactions between customers and companies. The race is on for retailers and brands to stake their claim in this bold, new world.
Accenture is excited to share with you the opportunities of the metaverse and be your guide to this new world. In partnership with the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), together we are bringing you a multi-part immersive series on the metaverse.
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The Metaverse Continuum will transform how businesses interact with customers, how work is done, what products and services companies offer, how they make and distribute them, and how they operate their organizations. Join David Treat, Senior Managing Director, Accenture, to learn more.
Demystifying the Metaverse Continuum Retail (2022)ABOUT THE RILA + ACCENTURE PARTNERSHIP
RILA’s mission is to help shape the environment in which leading retailers operate. In addition to advocacy, we aim to provide thought leadership and to facilitate dialogue among industry peers and subject matter experts on the most pressing issues facing the industry today—and tomorrow. RILA believes that the metaverse represents a foundational shift for the retail business and that the FUTURE IS NOW.
For nearly 15 years Accenture has been a sought-after leader in metaverse-related technology and experience, and we are excited to join forces on a powerful collaboration that will examine how Accenture’s Metaverse Continuum applies across all aspects of retail.
Discover More on the Retail Metaverse Continuum

Retailers, meet me in the metaverse
Just like the beginning of the digital era, retailers that accelerate through this wave of technology disruption will likely be those who are better positioned for the future. The good news is that retailers have more notice of what's to come and can start investing and experimenting today.
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Busting the myths of the metaverse
There is a lot of excitement about the metaverse these days. And for good reason. By allowing consumers to seamlessly move between two different realities, the metaverse is already creating countless new opportunities for retailers and consumer brands.
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4 ways the metaverse will benefit supply chain networks
The supply chain network is at the point where the physical and the virtual worlds meet—and that’s where the metaverse lives. It’s now time for supply chain executives to begin thinking about how their organizations can make it real and exploit the benefits.
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