Congress Should Standby as States Handle Wayfair Decision
- Arlington, VA
- 07/24/2018
The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) Executive Vice President of Government Affairs Jennifer Safavian issued the following statement as the House Judiciary Committee today holds a hearing, "Examining the Wayfair decision and its Ramifications for Consumers and Small Businesses".
"The Court's decision in Wayfair v. South Dakota was unambiguous, giving each state a roadmap for creating a fair and reasonable framework for remote sales tax collection. Retailers are already working with governors, lawmakers and other stakeholders to ensure that efforts to level the playing field state by state respect the framework of the South Dakota law upheld by the Court."
"Given how long states have waited to reclaim their authority over sales tax collection, retailers have every confidence that states will do so in a way that respects the Court's guidance with respect to simplification and retroactivity. Thus far, states are following the Wayfair roadmap and enacting solutions that restore free market competition."
"Congress obviously retains the right to involve itself in matters of interstate commerce, but after years of inaction on this issue, it would be prudent for Congress to give states the chance to solve this for themselves without interference."
RILA is the trade association of the world's largest and most innovative retail companies. RILA members include more than 200 retailers, product manufacturers, and service suppliers, which together account for more than $1.5 trillion in annual sales, millions of American jobs, and more than 100,000 stores, manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers domestically and abroad.