Volatile Organic Compounds Matrix
Updated: January 1, 2020
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- Volatile Organic Compounds Matrix
The overview provided in this matrix is for informational purposes only. Because of the summary nature of the table, it cannot capture all the nuances of the relevant regulations. It may therefore be important to consult the regulations directly and/or to seek legal advice on particular issues as they may arise.
The standards for several states are based on Model Rules developed by the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC), a multi-state organization created under the Clean Air Act to advise EPA on ozone transport issues and to develop and implement regional solutions to the ground-level ozone problem in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. However, some of the relevant states have modified the OTC standards. Retailers and manufacturers may consult the matrix to identify the general product categories regulated in these jurisdictions and the permissible VOC content in each category.
*All units in percent VOC compounds by weight unless otherwise noted.
The overview provided in this table is for informational purposes only. Because of the summary nature of the table, it cannot capture all the nuances of the relevant regulations. It may therefore be important to consult the regulations directly and/or to seek legal advice on particular issues as they may arise.

Volatile Organic Compounds Fact Sheet
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