Retailers Welcome Congressional Focus on Data Security
House Hearings Address Consumer Privacy in the Digital Age
- Arlington, VA
- 11/01/2017
Following hearings held today in the House Financial Services and Energy and Commerce Committees focusing on data security and consumer privacy, the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) issued the following statement:
“Consumer privacy and data security are top priorities for America’s retailers,” said Nicholas Ahrens, vice president of privacy and cybersecurity for RILA. “As retail and technology converge, maintaining customer trust is the bedrock of the retail business model. That’s why retailers have long advocated for federal legislation that addresses federal data security standards and data breach notice requirements.
“Today’s hearings are an encouraging sign that Congress is taking these issues seriously and working towards a solution. Retailers embrace the careful stewardship of customer data not only because maintaining customer trust is a core business imperative, but because it is the right thing to do. RILA stands ready to work with Congress to find a solution that protects consumers while providing reasonable guiderails to help businesses maintain and deepen customer trust relationships.”
RILA is the trade association of the world’s largest and most innovative retail companies. RILA members include more than 200 retailers, product manufacturers, and service suppliers, which together account for more than $1.5 trillion in annual sales, millions of American jobs, and more than 100,000 stores, manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers domestically and abroad.