Labor Activity in Retail (2021)

Annual Report: January - December 2020


The ongoing pandemic response and the changing political structure in Washington will continue to have significant impacts across the retail sector and labor relations space throughout 2021.

In this report, you’ll find the latest data on union organizing and membership across the nation as well as four articles about timely labor and employee relations topics. IRI Consultants looks forward to continued partnership with RILA as we work together to help the nation’s retailers with labor and employee relations challenges. 

Highlights from Report:

  • An analysis of national, regional, and state representation petitions and elections (RC, RD, and RM) as reported by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) during 2019 and 2020.
  • The Labor Law/Activity Update: Articles written by labor experts about relevant and timely labor issues impacting employers and the workplace.

Steps employers can take include:

  • Reinvesting in strong employee relations with more robust engagement and sophisticated communications that tell the story of why your organization is a great employer;
  • Updating your policies and labor relations playbooks to ensure you are current with regulations and have the right team in place to handle a labor situation;
  • Evaluating compensation to remain competitive in the market with an eye toward a potential increase in the federal minimum wage (some employers are already moving to $15 an hour) and;
  • Strengthening the direct working relationships you have today with employees so they fully understand the value of maintaining those relationships instead of bringing in third-party unions.

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