Retailers Address Racial Inequality Through Action

The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer has ignited demonstrations and a movement to address racial injustice and racism in America. Many retail leaders have lent their voice to the cause, acknowledging the urgent need for action to bring about change. To support retailers’ actions, RILA has leveraged the chief diversity officers from leading retailers to develop the list of actions below for consideration.

The list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive, but instead aims to provide examples of actions that can have a meaningful impact by addressing a company’s culture, the way it interacts with customers and how it contributes to the communities it serves. RILA recognizes that each retailer is starting from a different place. Most retailers have already taken one or more of the actions below. Ultimately, however, regardless of the starting point, dedication to progress and continuous improvement within each of these areas will contribute to durable change.

For more information, please contact Brian Dodge at or Evan Armstrong at

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