President Issues Order on Imports from Hong Kong

This week CBP released its guidance on the President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization, issued on July 14, 2020, which suspended the application of section 201(a) of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 to the marking statute, section 304 of the Tariff Act of 1930, with respect to imported goods produced in Hong Kong.

Imported goods produced in Hong Kong, when entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption into the United States 45 days from the date of the notice’s publication in the Federal Register, must be marked to indicate that their origin is “China." The guidance is expected to be published August 11, 2020.

In the frequently asked questions (FAQs) posted to the CBP website, it confirms that the change does not subject the goods to tariffs meant for goods from China. We understand that at this time, the Administration does not expect to issue any further guidance with respect to implementation of this provision in the Executive Order.

For more information, please contact RILA Vice President of International Trade Blake Harden. 
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